Family Fall Festival: 가을 가족축제!
페이지 정보
2024 Family Fall Festival
Date: 10/31/Thursday
Time: 4:30-8:00 PM
*Bring your water bottle. (개인물병을가져와주세요.)
가을 가족축제에 성도님들을 초대합니다.
이웃과 친구들을 초대하여 함께 하나님을 예배하고, 하나님의 뜰에서 신나는 게임과 맛있는음식을 즐기세요.
음식 준비와 비상 상황을위해 사전 등록을 10월13일-10월 28일까지 받을 예정입니다. 아래 링크와 QR 코드를 통해 싸인업 해주시기를 바랍니다.
You're invited to the Family Fall Festival.
We look forward to inviting your neighbors and friends to worship God and enjoy exciting games and delicious food in God’s yard.
We would appreciate it if you could pre-register for food preparation and emergencies.
Please sign up using the link and QR code below. ( Pre-registration is available from 10.11.24 -10.28.24)
4:30-5:00 Check-in
5:00-5:30 Worship at main sanctuary
*Special Guest: God's Image (갓스이미지-문화선교댄스팀)
5:30-8:00 Games and Snacks
- Games, Jumping Slides, Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Hotdogs Korean foods, etc...
(8:00-8:30 Clean-up)
Registration Link and QR Code
Volunteer Sign Up Link and QR Code :
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