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예배 NVC Media Team/Main Sanctuary Use Operation Manual

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile 사역봉사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 | 댓글 0건 | 조회 4,759회 | 작성일 19-06-10 20:04


NVC Media Team/Main Sanctuary Use Operation Manual 

Media Team under the Worship Ministry shall have the following priority in its ministry:

  1. Regular worship services (dawn prayer, Wednesday, Friday, 4 Sunday services, revival (spring, fall), Deacon’s seminar,  seasonal events, year end services, English Family Worship, etc.) are the first priority 
  2. Inaugural services, graduation services, Memorial services & weddings for church members will be supported by pastoral staff/office/media team members as necessary, and all requires 2 weeks advanced notice of Application of Main Sanctuary Use, except for the memorial services.      
    1. If you do not submit Application of Main Sanctuary Use, this is considered an Unauthorized Use and Media team will not support.  .
    2. If extended use (more than 2 hours) and/or a request for Media professional, additional service fee may be charged.  
  3. External Services by Denominations or local Church Committees:  Special services during Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Praise Services, Children’s Praises:  With Application of Main Sanctuary Use submitted 2 weeks prior.  
    1. Any request for Sunday afternoon or during week days, need to be coordinated with the Media team 
    2. For professional concerts or musical events that require rehearsal, 2 weeks advanced notice with Application is mandatory, and additional service fee may be charged. 
  4. Other external requests (weddings, other churches/seminary, outside organizations, Denomination requests) all require advanced submittal of Application of Church Use 2 weeks prior.  If professional musical events or rehearsals require additional support, Sunday afternoon/evening is not allowed;  weekday/Saturday evenings possible with prior agreement and additional service fee may be charged. 
    1. Professional music events require professional audio support with sound checks and media equipment; typical rehearsals run 2-4 hours and preparation & clean requires additional hours.  Media team members usually come to church every Sunday by 7:30 am on Sunday, and put in over 7 hours of work by the end of all worship services.  Additional 5-6 hours service on a Sunday afternoon or evening is just not possible with limited supporting staff.  All our media team members have regular full time work, and they have to go to work on the following Monday. Weekday evenings or Saturday afternoon/evening support can be agreed prior to the event, however, depending on total hours requested, additional service fee may be charged.  
  5. Additional support for sound system set up during Family Fall Festival (10/31), and Outside worship at the church level with prior coordination
  6. Media team members to check Hosanna overflow room sound and media during the 3rd services. 

Attachment:  Application for Main Sanctuary/Pathway Chapel Use


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Total 50건 1 페이지
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