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Special Needs Ministry Coordinator Position

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile Miyoung 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 댓글 0건 조회 1,398회 작성일 21-10-29 13:58


Special Needs Ministry Intern, Part Time

New Vision Church is seeking an intern to assist with coordinating a Special Needs Ministry. It is our desire to better welcome and include children and adults with disabilities into the life of our church. This person will work closely with the Children’s Ministry Pastor, under the direction of the Senior Pastor. 


  • Born again Christian with a compassionate heart for ministering to people with disabilities
  • Good management and organizational skills
  • Ability to network with a large number of people
  • Some understanding of this field and/or a willingness to learn

To apply, submit the following to johnlovemo@gmail.com

  1. Resume
  2. Three references (at least one pastoral)
  3. Personal testimony

For questions or inquiries, please contact

John Byun

(408) 806-7474


New Vision Church

1201 Montague Expressway

Milpitas, CA 95035



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