
| 게시판 | 사역원게시판
예배 English Family Worship Manual (English version)

페이지 정보

작성자 no_profile 사역봉사 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 | 댓글 0건 | 조회 3,921회 | 작성일 19-06-10 20:01


English Family Worship (EFW) Preparation Manual

Currently, EFW is held on every 5th Sunday, 3 times per year (usually, March, June and September).

EFW Task Force Team is responsible for the EFW, and led by Deacon Andrew Yoon (Kisuk), James Yang, and Gyoungmi Han;  Praise team is led by Sam Jang & Steve Shin.

  1. NVC Main Sanctuary
    1. Saturday before the EFW:  put up large wall banner on the wall behind podium;  (Large wall banner and stand up banners are stored behind the podium, to the left hand side stair case to the Baptismal.)    (준비물: velcro tape & fishing lines in office;  stand up banner frame needs verification)
    2. Stand up banner (7 total):  assemble these banners, and locate 4 in Main sanctuary entrances, and 3 in the fellowship hall by the stair cases) 
    3. Bulletin:  deacon James Yang responsible for the original copy, and Gyoungmi Han kwonsanim will order to HiTech Printing at least 3 days in advance, so that they can be delivered by Saturday morning.  
    4. Praise team rehearsal on Saturday afternoon with Media team for sound system check 
    5. Take down all banners after the service and store them at the same place.
    6. Ushers &  Offering:   Usher responsible by Deacon Mike Yi(이상화집사); Offering: Michael Choi (최항석집사) to recruit 8 couples (Parent and child) 
    7. Offering baskets: stored in storage room, upstairs, across from Pastor Hoon Jung’s office.  Please deliver offering basket with collected offerings to the Finance Office for counting
    8. Sermon and video file (if used):  Senior Pastor
    9. Prayer, Moderator, Announcements:  deacon James Yang to assign
  2. Korean services at the third service at High school chapel (Lighthouse Chapel)
    1. Move 1 offering box from Hosanna room (Choir room) to Lighthouse Chapel
    2. Put direction arrows to the Lighthouse chapel on Saturday
    3. Confirm ushers – 4 external and 2 internal, and check total attendances (responsible by the Korean worship ministry)


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Total 50건 3 페이지
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