페이지 정보
어와나 프로그램을 통해 우리어린이들이 살아있는 믿음을 가지고 세상을 바라보기 원합니다.
이기적인 삶이 아니라, 어와나에 개임을 통해 팀웤에 스피리트를 중요시하며, 말씀을 배운데로 자신에 유익보다 하나님을 기쁘시게함을 우선으로 살고, 부끄러움없는 일꾼들이 되기를 바라봅니다.
"너는 진리의 말씀을 옳게 분별하며 부끄러울 것이 없는 일꾼으로 인정된 자로 자신을 하나님 앞에 드리기를 힘쓰라" (디모데후서 2장 15절)Let's train up our children to live according to His will & witness God's blessing upon our next generation!
- 어린이부 교육목사 임상명
What is AWANA?

어와나(Awana)는“부끄러울 것이 없는 인정된 일꾼”(Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) 이라는 뜻으로 디모데후서 2장 15절의 말씀을 영어 성경 (KJ Version)의 첫 글자를 따서 만든 이름입니다. 어와나는 성경의 기본적 이해와 성경구절 암송을 통해 어린이들을 영적으로 훈련시키는 프로그램입니다. 어린이 사역에 대한 열정으로 1950년대에 태동한 어와나는 오늘날까지 수 십년동안 연구되고 발전되어진 세계적인 청소년 선교기관으로서 세계 108개국에서 실시하고 있으며 지금은 미국 내에서만 약 1만 2천개 클럽으로 발전했고 60만 이상의 청소년들이 매주 어와나 클럽에 참석하여 하나님 말씀으로 양육 받고 있습니다.
AWANA offers several opportunities for your child to grow spiritually throughScripture memorization and a basic understanding of biblical principals and doctrines. Our AWANA program consists of three groups that range from three years old to fifth grade.
AWANA also provides an opportunity for children to learn to compete as a team and not just as individuals. They will learn to win and lose with a proper attitude of fair play and sportsmanship.
Our AWANA's goals
어와나는 새로운 어린영혼에게 복음을 전하며, 이미 주님을 알고, 믿는 어린이들을 미래의 하나님의 일꾼으로 훈련하는데 기본 촛점을 두고 있습니다.
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6
AWANA seeks to bring Children to Jesus, and train those children to who already believe in him to be his servants and soldiers as they grow up. One of the primary tools used by AWANA to train children is by explaining and then having them memorize large parts of the Bible. The excitement with which the children tackle this task is truly impressive. My own daughter, who is only seven, memorized five separate memory verses for a single Friday night. We have children as young as five memorizing two, three and four verses a week. Seeing the eagerness of the children as they place the word of God in thier hearts is both encouraging and convicting. Our hope is that as they grow into adults, these verses will be come back them in times of need, time of doubt, and times of providence, when they are encouraging others.
성경에서는 “마땅히 행할 길을 아이에게 가르치라 그리하면 늙어도 그것을 떠나지 아니하리라 (잠언22:6)라고 합니다. 오늘날의 어린이들은 그 어느때보다도 더 어려운 결단을 해야하는 환경에서 자라나고 있습니다. 우리가 제공하는 성경중심의 프로그램은 어린이들의 매일 매일의 생활에서 올바른 방향을 제공하여 어린이들이 견고한 성경적인 기초위에 설 수 있도록 인도하고 있습니다. 어와나는 어린이 개인이 성경말씀의 지식안에서 자존감을 가지고 자라나도록 도와줄 뿐만 아니라 어린이가 하나님,그리고 다른 사람들의 관계를 잘 맺도록 기회를 제공하고 있습니다
In addition to the memory verses, AWANA has group games to build up Christian team work and cooperation. It gives out prizes once a month at the AWANA store to reflect the treasures in heaven they are receiving by being obedient to the will of God. And it has a counsel time for praise songs and for messages that reinforce the lessons they are learning in class.
The History of AWANA
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Awana began in 1950 as a youth program at the North Side Gospel Center in Chicago, Illinois. Lance Latham, the church pastor, worked with Art Rorheim to develop a program that would appeal to young people, reach them with the gospel and train them in the Lord’s work. Other churches heard about the success of the AWANA program and asked if they could use it. By 1960, AWANA had registered 900 churches to start AWANA. AWANA has grown from a one-church program into a ministry that includes more than 6,500 churches in the United States and another 1,300 in more than 80 countries worldwide. Local churches reach hundreds of thousands of young people every week by using the AWANA program. The goal of AWANA is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and to train them to serve Him. |
Cubbies is the AWANA Club for Preschoolers (ages 3 through 5), during the two years prior to Kindergarten. Cubbies use the fundamental AWANA elements of games, scripture memorization, activities, handbooks, and awards.
뉴비전 어와나 커비즈 클럽은 2.5세부터 4세의 어린이들이 하는 클럽활동입니다. |
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The Awana club for preschoolers is called Cubbies. The entire program is built on two premises: |
Our preschool program meets these needs through …
Fun – and lots of it!
Games /Puppets /Crafts /Awards /and other activities
Awana is fun with a purpose – to reach and train kids for Jesus Christ.
Cubbies Curriculum
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The Cubbies curriculum features two handbooks written in a fun, storybook style that appeals to preschoolers. The handbooks contain 24 Bear Hug sections along with six optional special-day sections. Each section combines basic Scripture memory with parent-child activities to help a child grasp a simple biblical truth. Two extra-credit handbooks containing additional memory verses and character-building activities are also available. |
SPARKS or Sparkies is the AWANA club for children in kindergarten through second grade builds on the material taught in our preschool clubs. The curriculum takes kids a step deeper into God's Word while giving unsaved boys and girls regular opportunities to hear the gospel and come to faith in Jesus Christ. After being immersed in solid foundational teaching at the preschool level, boys and girls frequently come to an understanding of their need to trust Christ as Savior while in Sparks.
What Happens At Sparks?
The typical Sparks meeting looks like this:
Opening Ceremony - 10 minutes. | |
Sparkle Time - 40 minutes. Trained leaders work with small groups of clubbers assisting them in memorizing Bible verses and other learning activities.Your child gains a valuable understanding of spiritual truths in this way. He / She will earn AWANA Bucks and awards for passing sections in their handbooks.Clubbers usually save their AWANA Bucks and use them to purchase some great toys or prizes from the AWANA Store. (Store is open every first Friday of the month) | ![]() |
Counsel time - 30 minutes. During our Counsel Time, your child will be exposed to a message or object lesson from an adult that is Bible based. There is also a fun time of music and singing. 어와나에서의 성경암송훈련은 중요한 말씀구절들이 어린이의 일생에서 맞게되는 어려움, 의심, 권면, 성화의 시간에 유용하게 씌여지는데 목적이 있습니다. |
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Game time - 30 minutes. Children enjoy interactive games, created around the AWANA game circle. 실제적인 예화와 찬양을 바탕으로한 성경말씀의 실생활적용시간입니다(30분) |
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Award Time: Awards are handed out for the achievements accomplished. |
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Sparks Handbooks
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Our handbook time (also called Sparkle Time) is an important part of our club. We thought it would be helpful for you, as parents, if we included an explanation of how the handbook is laid out and its guidelines. All starts with Sparks Gate Entrance booklet. Sparks의 교재는 1년과정에 3권을 각 학년수준에 맞게 배우도록 구성되어 있습니다." |
T&T (Truth and Training)
The name Truth & Training reflects the passion of AWANA to teach third- through sixth-grade boys and girls the truth of God’s Word and to train them to follow Christ in their daily lives. Our goal is that many of today’s young people will become tomorrow’s church leaders. T&T is the program that trains the leaders of tomorrow — today.
T&T Handbooks
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Each of the four handbooks in our Truth & Training clubs investigates four questions. Eight answers from the Bible are provided for each question. Children will learn all eight answers to each of the questions and verses to back up these answers. The handbooks also include Bible studies and activities that allow children to delve into the subject matter. |
저희 뉴비전교회에서 어린이 어와나 클럽활동을 통해서 여러분들과 자녀들을 주님의 사랑으로 도와 드릴수 있는것에 감사를 드림니다. 주님의 말씀을 어린이들의 마음에새기고 기도와 훈련을 통해 디모데처럼 부끄럽지않는 하나님의 일꾼으로 키워가는일에 통참하게 되어 깊은감사를 드림니다.
무엇보다도 주님앞에 시간을 드리고 어린이들을 위해서 봉사히시는 커맨더, 디렉터분들과 리더 선생님들, 회계, 서기, 뒤에서 수고하시는 모든분들, 그리고 부모님들의 기도에 감사드림니다.
특히 모든선생님들의 헌신적인 봉사의 노력으로 시작했고 지금도 여전히 주님의 사랑을 전하기위해 밝은 빛을 검은세상에 비취기위해 한걸음 한걸음 나가고 있습니다.
그리고 금요일 저녁마다 화한 미소와 함께 달려오는 어린이들의 모습을 통해 우리의 미래를 봅니다. 그리고 또한 부모님들의 관심과 참여가 더해진다면 우리는 완전한 팀을 이뤄서 어린들에게 보다 유익한 시간과 프로그램을 만들수 있습니다.
In behalf of our Leaders, I am thankful that you allow New Vision Church the privilege of working with your child each week in the AWANA Club. I know your child will enjoy the club this year and will continue to progress through all program levels. More importantly, he/she will learn and gain more knowledge about Jesus Christ.
For more info. go to
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